I've had some really amazing comments, tweets, emails, and reviews from people about 'Wicked Cravings' and I just want to say thank you all so much! I wanted to write this post yesterday but then my seven year old son told me he'd written a book and wanted me to read it and asked if we could design a book cover together. Oh he's too sweet, seriously. We had a laugh doing the cover and, God, I wish I had his imagination. Of course he also reminded me he could be a mischievous little sod by trying to tempt his little sister with dog biscuits - she wasn't buying for even a second that they were normal biscuits. In truth, I don't think he truly would have let her eat one, but still...
Anyway, really big thanks to all those people - you know who you are! I haven't stopped smiling for three days. I could give Barbie a run for her money. It's surprising my jaw isn't sore. That didn't sound right, did it...To any filthy minded people out there - like me, yes - it really didn't sound right. Honestly sometimes I think I should just build a house on a gutter because my mind's permanently there.
Also, big thanks to Melannie White for all her help with the blog tour! She's seriously one of the most put-together, organized people I know. I truly envy her for her organizational skills. I'm crap like that. And congratulations again to all the giveaway winners.
I've had some people asking about book three of the Phoenix Pack series. Book three, 'Tremors of Need' will be released in 2014 and centers around Nick and Shaya. I don't have an exact date yet, sorry. If anyone wants to be added to my mailing list so that they're notified when it's due to be released, send me an email at: suzanne_e_wright@live.co.uk
Take care everyone!
Suzanne :)